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All about the Training with Racks

What do I have to keep in mind when training? Which exercises are suitable for beginners? All of these questions and much more can be answered in our purchase guide.


Sold out
DC Blocks (2 Stück = 1 Paar)

129 , 95*

few available
PB Extreme Half Rack - Dip Attachment

229 , 95*

Sold out
Perform Better Half Rack Wall ball Plate (accessory)

149 , 95*

25 Article available
Perform Better Half Rack Dip Bar (accessory)

149 , 95*

14 Article available
PB Steel Squat Rack Plate Pin (Zubehör)

34 , 95* €44.95*

Sold out
Perform Better Squat Rack incl. Jcups

599 , 95*

Sold out
Perform Better Half Rack

1.449 , 95*

68 Article available
Perform Better Rig TRX and Rope Anchors (accessories)

39 , 95*

Sold out
Perform Better Safety Spotter pair (accessory)

149 , 95*

7 Article available
Perform Better Half Rack Connector pull-up bar (accessory)

179 , 95*

40 Article available
Perform Better Rig barbell bar holder 1 pc (accessory)

45 , 95*

13 Article available
Perform Better Half Rack Connector Multi Storage (accessory)

449 , 95*

9 Article available
Perform Better Rig Jammer arms pair (accessories)

799 , 95*

26 Article available
Perform Better Rig J-Cup pair (accessories)

119 , 95*

12 Article available
Perform Better Rig Smith Machine (accessories)

999 , 95*

154 Article available
Perform Better Rig weight plates pin (accessory)

29 , 95*

Sold out
Perform Better Fullrack incl. Safety Spotter and Jcups (set)

1.599 , 95*

10 Article available
Perform Better Rig Landmine Core Trainer Barbell Trainer (accessory)

99 , 95*

24 Article available
Perform Better Fullrack base expandable (set)

1.299 , 95*

9999 Article available
Powerlifting Competition Rack

2.899 , 00 *

18 Article available
Perform Better Rig Flying Pull Up Bar Offset Wing inclined ladder 1.08m (accessory)

499 , 95*

You're not sure whether a rack is the right thing for you? 

Read our sales advisor and learn all about the training with racks. 


Chapter 1

What is a Rack?

For many fitness professionals, the rack has become an essential part of their training routine.

Not only because of the wide range of exercises, but also because of its great fun factor, this training device is the must-have for every ambitious athlete.

Most complicated piece of equipment at the gym

A rack is probably the most complicated piece of equipment at a gym, because at first sight some people don't know how to train with it and what they have to pay attention to. However, if you want to get really fit in terms of strength training, this piece of equipment should definitely have a regular place in your training plan. It is one of the best machines to increase muscle growth and functional strength. It also helps you to learn how to handle weights safely and its various training options make it particularly versatile.

Who should use a rack?

Training with the popular rack is suitable for beginners as well as for experienced professionals. However, it is a good tool for beginners in particular to get started, as a rack allows you to perform strength exercises safely and thus to approach strength training slowly but carefully.

Chapter  2

What do I have to pay attention to during training?

When exercising with the rack, it is especially important to make use of the safety devices. This allows you to train safely but effectively with heavy weights.

What exercises can I do with a rack?

From Back Squats to Front Squats, Shoulder and Benchpresses, there are many more exercises possible with the rack.

Depending on the exercise, the height of the barbell bar must be adjusted accordingly. This guarantees the safety of the user and the bar can be brought into the correct position with a minimum of effort.


The so-called "pins" are straight or L-shaped and are used to place the barbell on top of it.

Safety Bars

The safety bars are especially important because they absorb the weight in case of muscle failure. They are then especially important for exercises such as Bench presses & Squats.

Caution: A common mistake made when using Safety Bars is that they are not placed at the correct height. For example, for bench presses at chest height, you have to be careful to stand close enough to the bar to be able to catch it in time if necessary. For squats it is best to place the bar at the height of your lowest position.

In order to get a good feeling for the height at which the safety bars are best placed, you should do several warm-up exercises.

Pull-Up bar

Normally each rack has a pull-up bar. This is very useful if you want to combine deadlifts and pull-ups in one exercise.

Important: Before you really start training with the rack, you should familiarize yourself with it and approach it slowly so that you can train safely.

Our Book Recommendations

We recommend the following books to expand your knowledge of racks:

few available
Core Performance - Endurance (Buch)

17 , 90 *

few available
Die richtige Ernährung für Sportler (Buch)

16 , 99*