No. 1 Functional Training Experts in Europe
Over 1000 Products
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Everything about Slingtraining

Sling training is on everybody's tongue. And quite rightly so! The sling workout allows you to do the perfect whole body workout. You are interested? Then please click through our sales advisor.


151 Article available

289 , 95*

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TRX PRO 4 Camo

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TRX Force Kit

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93 Article available
TRX Suspension Trainer Studioversion 4.0

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TRX Home 2

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TRX Burn

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TRX Move

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TRX Rip Resistance Cords

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TRX Xmount 2.0

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TRX Extender with carabiner (98 cm) Yellow

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TRX Door Anchor

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TRX Extender lang (98cm) schwarz

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You' re not sure which equipment is the right one? 

Read our sales advisor and learn all about TRX® Suspension Training. In addition to exercises and training tips you will also find suitable product recommendations. 


Chapter 1

What is Slingtraining?

There is hardly any other training device that is so widespread worldwide as the slingtrainer. With such a simple piece of equipment you can easily do a whole body workout or isolation exercises.

In this sales advisor you can find out where the device was invented and what is possible with it.

What is slingtraining? 

Like so many fitness machines, the sling trainer has its origins in the military. The Navy Seal Randy Hetrick was looking for a way to stay fit during foreign missions without having to carry dumbbells and weight.

The sling trainer found its first application with Scandinavian physiotherapists. However, these were by far not as suitable for mass production as the current models.   

The sling trainers used by Randy during the military era were also not what you would call a TRX® today. After his military time, Hetrick looked for a way to make the device suitable for mass production. After many experiments and prototypes, the first TRX® was presented in 2004. At that time still under the name Travelfit.   

The device hit like a bomb and was sold out immediately. It soon became apparent that customers were using the TRX not only for travel, but also to keep fit at home. So the name was changed from Travelfit to TRX.  

TRX® Suspension Training 

After the American market was a complete success, the expansion in Europe will start in 2012. The rest is history. Today no good gym can do without a TRX® Suspension Trainer. All over the world you can see people exercising with the slingtrainer at home, in parks or on vacation. 

TRX® alternatives  

Despite countless imitations of the device, TRX® Suspension Training has maintained its market leadership. Especially with cheap products, the workmanship is very poor and accidents can occur due to torn carabiners or seams. 

All original TRX® products are equipped with a hologram and an 11 to 13 digit serial number. This way you can make sure that it is not a cheap fake.   

The TRX® Suspension Trainer is now available in various formats. For gyms that require an extremely durable sling trainer, up to the inexpensive TRX® models for under 100 €.  

Chapter 2

Advantages of Slingtraining

Training with a sling trainer is not only fun, but also extremely effective.

With its extremely light weight and small volume, a TRX® Suspension Trainer is also the ideal travel companion.  


If you're looking for the perfect way to stay fit anytime, anywhere, then the TRX® Suspension Trainer is probably the best choice. To see the benefits of a TRX® Suspension Trainer, click here for a quick overview:

  • extremely lightweight 
  • low space consumption
  • extremely durable
  • high material quality
  • effective & functional training
  • can be mounted anywhere (door, heating, tree, etc.)
  • Over 100 exercises possible
  • Application areas in yoga, fitness studio, physiotherapy, home gym, etc.

Many people consider buying gym rings or a sling trainer. That depends entirely on the objective. Rings are especially recommended for the use of acrobatic movements and in the crossfit area.

For a functional fitness training, however, the TRX® offers much better conditions.

Chapter 3

Where do you attach the Slingtrainer?

The slingtrainer is guaranteed to be the right choice for getting started in fitness training.

By training with your own body weight, there can hardly be any overloading and by changing the angle, everyone can choose his own level of difficulty.

Especially at the beginning many people ask themselves where they can attach the TRX® Suspension Trainer. The question is rather, where can' t you attach the Suspension Trainer?

The TRX® Suspension Trainer can be attached almost anywhere by using the door anchor or loop. To do this, the end piece is hung on one side of the door and hooked in by closing the door. Afterwards you should pull the loops strongly to ensure that the door anchor fits tightly. 

With stable wooden doors no damage can occur either. The anchor and the seams are designed so that there is no abrasion or pressure marks. If you prefer to fix the device somewhere else, you can use pipes, trees or poles. For this purpose, the TRX® Suspension Trainer is simply wrapped around and fastened like this.

With the TRX® Xmount, it is even possible to attach a permanent fixture to the wall or ceiling. This guarantees safe and firm training with the TRX® Suspension Trainer.

Chapter 4

The 10 hardest TRX® Suspension Trainer exercises

You want to start with sling training but don't know exactly which exercises you can do?

We have the perfect solution for you. In the following video we show you the 10 hardest TRX® Suspension Trainer exercises for your workout! Use bodyweight training for your success!

Here we go:

Our Book Recommendations

We recommend the following books to expand your knowledge in sling training:

few available
TRX®-Schlingentraining (Buch)

19 , 99*

few available
Flexi-Carb (Buch)

19 , 99*