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Cardio Products

Which cardio product is the right one for you?

Besides the typical treadmill, from ski- to rowing- to bicycle-ergometers, there is the right cardio machine for everyone. Find out which one is the best for you!


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Assault AirRunner Pro

4.498 , 20 *

9999 Article available
9999 Article available
Assault Rower Elite SH

1.549 , 00 *

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Assault Air Bike Pro X

1.399 , 95*

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PB Extreme Ski Trainer + Floor Mount (Set)

1.249 , 95*

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PB Extreme Rudergerät

1.199 , 95*

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Assault Air Bike Classic

1.099 , 00 *

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PB Extreme Ski Trainer

1.029 , 95*

7 Article available
PB Extreme Ski Trainer Floor Mount

220 , 00 *

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Assault Air Bike Pro X Wind Screen (Zubehör)

49 , 95*

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Assault Air Bike Classic Wind Screen (Zubehör)

44 , 95*

9999 Article available

The treadmill is too boring for you?

Read our sales advisor and find out everything about training with cardio equipment.


Chapter 1

Workout mit dem Ski Trainer

Besides the typical treadmill, there are other cardio devices that are very well suited for flexible and weather-independent training.

For example the ski ergometer. Find out how to train with the Ski Trainer and who it is suitable for.

What is a Ski Trainer?

A ski Ergometer is a cardio machine that allows you to burn fat quickly. Especially ski fans can use this device during the summer break to prepare for the coming season at home or at the gym. 

What does training with the Ski Ergometer look like?

You can do the exercises with the Ski Ergometer either sitting down or as fast skiing in standing position. The advantage of the training is the high calorie burn. This means that such a cardio workout is very suitable for losing weight and boosting the metabolism in addition to strength training. It is also a good way to strengthen endurance and muscles.

All major muscle groups are trained, such as the arms, shoulders and the entire back muscles as well as the abdominal muscles and the posterior. 

During a workout with the Ski Ergometer, pull the two grips down with the arms close to the body, pulling the shoulders together. Kneel down and stretch your bottom backwards. It is important to keep your back straight and to bend your knees slightly outwards, but not beyond the tips of your feet.

For whom is a training with the Ski Trainer suitable?

For beginners as well as advanced skiers it is important to increase the training slowly & to regenerate sufficiently after the training. However, if you still want to train with the Ski Ergometer for several days in a row, you can also do this while sitting down. This is easy on the legs and only the upper body is challenged. In general, however, a training session of 5 to 10 minutes is sufficient to really work out. This is repeated about two to three times a week.

In general, if you have back or knee problems, you should consult your doctor!

You would also like to try a workout with the Ski Trainer, but don't know how, here is a video for you, which shows you how to train with the Ski Trainer:

Chapter 2

Workout with the Extreme Rower

The Extreme Rower, also known as rowing ergometer, is one of the more demanding cardio machines.

For all those who stand and run a lot, this exercise is a pleasant change for their training plan.

What is an Extreme Rower?

Training with the Extreme Rower, even though you are sitting, is a very demanding workout, because the whole body is in motion. If you want to lose weight, the Rower is even better than the Ski Trainer, because you can burn up to 10,000 calories in just 10 minutes of intensive training. 

Just like the Ski Trainer, rowing requires all major muscle groups such as shoulders, back, abdomen, legs, arms & bottom.

Who is a training with the Extreme Rower suitable for?

A workout with the Extreme Rower is suitable for anyone who wants to burn a lot of calories and train their whole body at the same time. In order to be able to train especially effective and varied with the rowing ergometer, you should consider interval training. Interval training is a change between fast and slow training phases. This means, for example, that you warm up loosely and then work out to the full, only to row loosely again so that you can alternate between the load and recovery phases. 

If you already have an Extreme Rower at home, daily rowing is possible. It's best if you train for ten minutes in the morning, at noon and in the evening. Otherwise, 3 times a week for 10 minutes each is a good amount of work.

What does training with the Extreme Rower look like?

Because the training happens in a sitting position, you push off with your feet and pull the bar up to under your chest. You then move back and forth with your back straight. Your stomach is tense the whole time.

In general: If you already have known back problems, you should consult your doctor.

You are not sure whether you are doing the exercise correctly? Don't worry, here is a video for you that shows you how to train with the Extreme Rower:

Chapter 3

Workout with the Assault Air Bike

You want to train like the pros? Then the Assault Air Bike is just right for you! 

What is an Assault Air Bike?

In CrossFit as well as in professional sports this hardcore cardio device is an essential tool. It is one of the toughest training devices on the market and helps keep the whole body in shape.

How do you train with the Assault Air Bike?

The hand grips of the bicycle ergometer are dynamically designed like those of a crosstrainer and you work out in the same way with your arms and legs. In order to build up even more strength during training, you have the option of training arms and legs separately. For this purpose, two struts are attached to the front of the device on which you can rest your feet. The fact that the Assault Air Bike's Dual Action System requires you to push, pull and pedal at the same time makes the workout particularly intense and demanding. 

Especially practical is the fact that there are 8 preset training programs installed in the Air Bike.

Who is the Assault Air Bike training suitable for?

The device is best suited to experienced athletes, as it is very demanding. Also, if you already do a lot of sitting, you may want to switch to another cardio machine such as the Ski Trainer.

When doing the exercise it is important to keep your back straight and adjust the saddle to hip height to avoid a crooked back during the exercise.

Here are a few tips for efficiency and power during your workout with the Assault Air Bike:

Our Book Recommendations

We recommend the following books to expand your knowledge in cardio training:

few available
Core Performance - Endurance (Buch)

17 , 90 *

Sold out
Das Praxisbuch der Sportlerernährung (Buch)

17 , 99*