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Everything about mobility training

The topic of mobility training is becoming increasingly popular. And rightly so! How you can improve your training through targeted Mobility Training and many other questions are answered in our purchase advisor.

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You are unsure which equipment is the right one?  

Read through our purchase advisor here and find out everything about Mobility. In addition to information, training tips and product recommendations, you will also find suitable book recommendations for getting started with the topic of mobility.


Chapter 1

Mobility training - what´s mobility training?

The topic of mobility training is becoming increasingly popular.

And rightly so!

In today's society, healthy posture and maintaining mobility often suffers from sitting at a desk for long periods of time due to lack of exercise and is neglected.

Mobility training should be regularly and conscientiously built into your training plan or your everyday life. After all, our joints and muscles are exposed to various stresses and strains every day or must allow for a functioning range of motion.

What is mobility training?

Mobility Training is much more than just stretching. Mobility Training or agility training serves the following goals:

  • Reduction of muscular tension
  • Removal of movement restrictions due to restricted joint capsules and/or ligaments
  • Optimization of neuromuscular coordination
  • Increase of the range of motion
  • Improvement of posture
  • Increasing the body's resistance to external stimuli
  • Injury prophylaxis
  • Increase of the well-being

On the whole, it can be said that the goal of Mobility Training is to improve the range of motion of the joints.

But watch out: Do not confuse mobility with flexibility, which are close to each other but can be separated. Because while mobility describes the mobility of the joints, flexibility means the ability of the muscles to stretch.

Chapter 2

For whom is Mobility Training suitable?

Short and sweet - for everyone!

Whether in everyday life or sports, mobility workouts maintain and improve your mobility, promote the blood circulation in your joints and help to increase your well-being.

Therefore Mobility Training is suitable for:

  • Athletes who want to minimize their risk of injury
  • Older people who wish to maintain or increase their range of motion
  • "Desk workers" who want to improve their posture and reduce neck or other pain
  • Competitive athletes who want to increase the functionality of their body

Really everyone can benefit from improved mobility, which is why we should all incorporate Mobility Training into our everyday life and training. However, if you have an existing injury or permanent pain, a doctor should be consulted before you start Mobility Training.

Chapter 3

Your start into mobility training

You want to start with Mobility Training and improve your mobility? As with many things in life, the motto of mobility training is "learning by doing".

And we can help you - just click on our Mobilityflow video and dive into the world of mobility training:

Chapter 4


A painless, extensive movement is the basis for your future training success. Mobility exercises should be part of every new training plan.

Mobility training is ideal as a warm-up, for the prevention of injuries and can provide increased mobility of the joints.

Additionally, your muscle growth can be accelerated and a faster regeneration can be promoted.

So don't wait any longer and start with your Mobility Training.

Mobility Training is ideal as a warm-up, for the prevention of injuries and can provide increased joint mobility. Additionally, your muscle growth can be accelerated and a faster regeneration can be promoted.

So don't wait any longer and start with your Mobility Training.

Chapter 5

Book recommandations

Mobility Training can support you in your training but also in your entire everyday life. However, it requires a lot of practice and knowledge. Books are a good way to learn more.

Our book recommandations

We recommend the following books to expand your knowledge of mobility training:

few available
Sitzen ist das neue Rauchen (Buch)

34 , 99*

Sold out
Das neue Faszien-Stretching (Buch)

19 , 99*

4 Article available
Stretching Bibel (Buch)

22 , 00 *