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Let's Bands powerbands - resistance bands for your workout

With the powerbands from Let's Bands you can work out anywhere and anytime. They are lightweight, small, versatile and guaranteed to fit in any pocket. Let's Bands is THE premium supplier of resistance bands, here you get high quality at a great price.

The powerbands are available in different resistance levels. So you can always choose the exercise that suits your individual performance level. Powerbands provide targeted resistance to your muscles and make every exercise much more effective.

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Let's Bands powerbands Set Tube

8 , 38* €36.95*

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Let's Bands powerbands Set Pro

47 , 96* €59.95*

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Let's Bands powerbands SET LADY

23 , 96* €29.95*

3350 Article available
Let's Bands powerbands Set Tube

8 , 38* €36.95*

8528 Article available

from 15 , 95*

8528 Article available

from 15 , 95*

8528 Article available

from 15 , 95*

8528 Article available

from 15 , 95*

8528 Article available

from 15 , 95*

4115 Article available
Let's Bands powerband Tube

from 3 , 05* from €12.95*

4115 Article available
Let's Bands powerband Tube

from 3 , 05* from €16.95*

5 Gründe, direkt durchzustarten

Überzeuge dich selbst und leg sofort los!
  • Kostenfreies Training im Online Gym beim Kauf eines powerbands Sets
  • Für jedes Trainingslevel und jedes Trainingsziel geeignet
  • Überall und jederzeit trainieren dank minimalem Transportaufwand
  • Hocheffektive Trainingsmethoden für sichtbare Ergebnisse in Bestzeit
  • Intensive Workouts für zuhause, im Fitnessstudio und unterwegs