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Testing & Screening

All about Testing & Screening

How important is Testing & Screening for your training? What is it good for? All these questions will be answered in our sales advisor.


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You're not sure which equipment is the right one? 

Read our sales advisor here and learn more about Testing & Screening.  


Chapter 1

What is Testing & Screening?

Screening is a test procedure used to check important conditional abilities to detect risks of injury and adjust incorrect movement patterns during sport.

The most common cause of injuries in sports are individual and physiological deficiencies. These can be, for example, strength, mobility and coordination deficits as well as muscular imbalances. In order to compensate for and specifically counteract these, so-called Testing & Screening is now available in competitive sports. This allows the health status of an athlete to be checked and possible injuries to be prevented through targeted diagnoses. It is also used to specifically increase performance. After each test, a so-called risk profile is obtained, which helps to change the focus of training depending on the results. In addition, corrective exercises are also recommended, which make it easier to redesign your training.

Chapter 2

advantages of Testing & Screening

Here you can find out what advantages Testing & Screening has and why you should consider getting a check-up.

  • Testing & Screening could also be a good way for you to check how well your body is doing. Because in sports it is very important to have unlimited freedom of movement during the exercises.
  • Regular testing will keep you up to date on how your body is doing and which exercises might not be so good for you.
  • In addition, this prevents a painful injury from keeping you from training for months, because the risk of injury can be recognized early.
  • In addition to the prevention of injuries through Testing & Screening, you also have the opportunity to become more efficient. Because your coordination, stability, mobility and strength are tested very carefully by such tests. Since all four of them should be equally trained, the test will tell you what you need to work on if everything is not at the same level.
  • If you regularly do the tests, you can train long and intensively without injury, error-free and healt

Chapter 3

Types of Tests & Screens

There are two different types of Testing & Screening which test the body for different competencies and thus provide objective information about the health status of an athlete.

FMS - Functional-Movement-Screen

This type of screening is a test that evaluates the movement patterns of an athlete according to functional aspects and subsequently reveals potential injury risks. The Functional-Movement-Screen specializes in mobility, stability & functional strength. The aim of this special test is to correct abnormalities in order to prevent injuries and overstrain in the long term. 

How does the FMS work? 

The test is based on seven different movement exercises that can be performed correctly without evasive movements or pain. If one of the exercises is performed incorrectly or even associated with pain, one can then take appropriate preventive measures.  

The seven exercises 

  • The deep overhead knee bend 
  • Getting over a hurdle
  • Lunge knee bend with both feet on one line
  • Shoulder Mobility
  • Stretched leg lifting in supine position
  • torso stability - press-up
  • Rotational stability in the quadruped stand

Y Balance Test

The Y Balance Test is a test that checks how mobile an athlete is. The body is divided into four quadrants (upper - lower body, left - and right half of the body) and tested separately for strength, torso stability and mobility. 

The test provides information about the mobility of an athlete and can also make statements about the risk of injury. 

You place one leg on a given mark, then the leg is moved in different directions to test for characteristics such as mobility, strength, etc. 

Our Book Recommendations

We recommend the following books to expand your knowledge about Testing & Screening:

512 Article available
Functional Training (Buch)

24 , 90 *