No. 1 Functional Training Experts in Europe
Over 1000 Products
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TRX® Suspension Training - Worldwide Nr.1

TRX® Suspension Training is the original and market leader in product quality, know-how and product variety

120 Article available
TRX Move

149 , 95*

192 Article available
TRX Home 2

229 , 95*

149 Article available

289 , 95*

133 Article available
TRX Burn

179 , 95*

90 Article available
TRX Suspension Trainer Studioversion 4.0

249 , 95*

101 Article available
TRX Force Kit

289 , 95*

Fitness Unlimited - TRX® Suspension Training

Trust in the world market leader TRX® in the field of suspension training (sling training) and achieve your fitness goals with effective full-body workouts! No matter where, no matter when.

Your TRX® Suspension Trainer is just one click away!

Which TRX® fits you the most?

Why TRX®?

Discover the world of TRX®

Schlingentrainer, Functional Training Tools, TRX® educations up to facility designs

You think you are strong?

How about a challenge?

Try our 10 toughest bodyweight exercises on the TRX® Suspension Trainer.
We are curious if you can do them...

Der Rabattcode ist nicht mit anderen Aktionen (z.B. anderen Rabattcodes) kombinierbar und kann nur auf folgende ausgewählte Produkte von TRX® eingelöst werden: TRX Home 2, TRX Suspension Trainer Studioversion 4.0, TRX - Burn, TRX PRO 4, TRX PRO 4 Camo, TRX - Move, TRX Force Kit; Das Angebot gilt bis zum 05.02.2023.